Frequently Asked Questions


Averagely a temperature drops of 7°C is easily achievedGCS roof insulation

What is the percentage energy savings attained by using the PE roof insulation?

A reduction of 30% – 40% on energy cost is achieved where Air Conditioning units are in   use.

Does GCS Roof Insulation reduce rain noise?

Yes. It reduces contact noise (e.g. rain noise) by about 19dbs especially the 10mm thick

Does GCS roof insulation collapse with time?

It does not collapse with time; it maintains its structure/form over time.

How does GCS Roof Insulation work?

It reflects the solar radiant heat and blocks heat transfer through conduction and convection.

Can nails or screws piercing through the Insulation damage it?

It seals around nails once pierced through.

Can the Insulation be laid directly on the Roof purlins?

It is laid on the purlins and given a small sag.

What is the standard thickness/size of GCS Roof Insulation?

GCS Roof Insulation is available in 3mm, 5mm and 10mm thicknesses depending on your application.

What is the lifespan of GCS roof insulation?

It is long lasting and lasts at least forty years.

Does the reflective film delaminate or peel off?

GCS Roof Insulation does not delaminate or peel off with time.

Can Polyethylene Roof Insulation be installed on an existing roof?

Yes, it can.  The insulation is laid below the purlins and supported by galvanized GI wire strainer wires or galvanized mild steel plates. An overlap of about 100mm is recommended while installing.

What thickness of insulation is needed?

This depends very much on the height of the roof from the floor and the operational temperature of the area to be insulated. In addition, the insulation effect increases with the thickness of the product.

How is your product better than alternates in Kenya?

Product quality, service and technical back-up have ensured that GCS roof Insulation remains one of the brand leaders in the insulation field. We maintain a strict protocol that ensures that all product manufactured meet the laid down specifications for each grade. In addition, our insulation carries the KEBS standard mark of quality ensuring that it maintains the high standards set down for the product.

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